Last Saturday, the first Inkrustado Scientific Conference took place at Domus Museum (A Coruña, Spain). In such event, students who had participated in the last edition of the Incrústate program presented the results obtained during their stays in the CICA laboratories.
Incrústate is a scientific dissemination project that seeks to inspire scientific and research vocation in high school students from different educational centres. Sabela García López, a student from IES Monelos, joined our group for several days in the frame of this programme, being supervised by D. Avecilla during her time in NanoToxGen lab. At the end of the internship, she presented her work entitled “Synthesis of an organic compound and potential applications” at the Inkrustado Conference, with a great poster and a fantastic oral presentation.
Very glad to have shared this time with you and very proud of your presentation, Sabela.
We wish you the best of luck in your future.