Welcome to new NanoToxGen members

We welcome the four researchers who have recently joined NanoToxGen. Firstly, through the Research Program of Xunta de Galicia, last May Iago Vázquez Ansemil, a chemistry graduate from University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), joined our research group. The Investigo Program, a European Parliament’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, aims to recruit young researchers in public research organizations. Iago will stay with us for a year and will reinforce the projects currently underway in the group.

Later, at the beginning of this academic year, Lara Sánchez, a senior Biotechnology Degree student at University of Santiago de Compostela joined us. She spent a month with us to carry out the external academic internships for her undergraduate studies. During this time, she carried out the establishment and maintenance of various types of cell cultures and also performed different techniques for evaluating cytotoxicity and genotoxicity.

Finally, our most recent additions to NanoToxGen have been Assia Touzani, Graduate in Genetics from University of Orán (Algeria) who joins the group to carry out her PhD studies in the field of Nanotoxicology in the coming years, and Enya Rodríguez Cabo, chemistry degree student, who is doing her final degree project with us. This project deals with polymeric and oligomeric structures based on N,N’-diaminoguanidine and its complexes with different transition metals, studying their electrical and magnetic properties to test their potential applications.


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